We had a great discussion during our CEU with ESI & Ross Shapland from Level Reps about educating specifiers on why movement and variety are key elements of a healthy, happy workplace and discussing human-centered solutions for productive, dynamic work environments of the future on October 14th. See below for our recording!
Watch the CEU here!
Learning Objectives :
-Explore the evolution of U.S. workspaces, looking at how jobs have become increasingly more sedentary in nature.
-Discuss the implications that extensive work hours and less activity have on the human body, leading to health issues for employees.
-Identify the solution to sedentary work (and life) behaviors and look at ways workspaces can help solve for these needs by designing movement and variety into the workplace.
-Explore the benefits to employers for implementing active workspaces.
-Look at what the future might hold in terms of striking the right balance between productive static work and dynamic active postures.